Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Inclusive Esoterica

If you turn your light inwardly, you will find what is esoteric within you.
The Sutra of Hui Neng


Esoteric is a term that implies elitist or exclusive, as in the mumbo-jumbo only the in-crowd understands. Having preferred to be the out-crowd my whole life I am not so inclined to try to be accepted anywhere that demands I join the in-crowd to “get it”. In or out, it doesn’t matter because what is important is that I find the center… the core… the esoteric within. It comes with a certain confidence that can’t be faked because such confidence comes with enough humility to appreciate the esoteric center in others. It is an inclusiveness that is qualitatively juxtaposed to the exclusiveness of sects or cults. Inclusion means that I accept you as you are just as I accept myself as I am. Or, as Martin Buber would have called it, the union of “I and Thou”. In even more common terms by the Beatles, “I am he and you are me and we are all together…” It is so perfectly put that it comes off as corny to the more cynical but it is true golden mean. It is so simple that it becomes esoteric to anyone seeking the answers or approval from others. Or, as the Carpenter said, “The kingdom of heaven is within.”

geo. 5,607

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