Friday, September 28, 2012

Hidden Studio

   We are all engaged in building our consciousness during every waking hour. The work is invisible, silent, and consequently overlooked by the bulk of mankind. Nevertheless, it is the most fundamental and far-reaching activity in life. Hour by hour, and moment by moment, we are building good or evil, failure or success, happiness or suffering into our life by the ideas we harbor, the beliefs that we accept, the scenes and events that we rehearse in the hidden studio of the mind. This fateful edifice, upon the construction of which we are perpetually engaged, is nothing less than our self --- our personality, our identity on earth, our life story as a human being.
    That wondrous building, the spiritual consciousness, is called in the Bible the Temple of Solomon, and we are told two wonderful things about that building. It was built without any noise (and we know that thought is soundless), and it was built upon a rock.
    And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither; so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was building (1 Kings 6:7).
    … be thou my strong rock, for a house of defense to save me (Psalm 31:2).

Emmet Fox

Silence… stillness of mind… directed contact with creative intelligence… this is the refuge… these are the brick, mortar and stone… sacred foods and preventative medicines I take daily to grace my life. It doesn’t take much when I am healthy but sometimes I get in such a bind that I need emergency treatment. Madness surrounds me at times and at times I am the madness itself. It gets crazy and I get sucked into that maelstrom by virtue of simply being there. Still, in the midst of the madness I have the task of building the edifice of grace I can, at the same time I am in the process of building my sanctuary, retreat into to heal. I am the laborer and the architect is a power greater than me to which I cede as I put one brick on top of another.
geo 5,127

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