Friday, November 16, 2012


I’m sure, for instance, that I ought to seek out the finest definition of humility that is possible for me to envision. This definition doesn’t have to be absolutely perfect --- I am only asked to try. Suppose I choose one like this: “Perfect humility would be a state of complete freedom from myself, freedom from all the claims that my defects of character now lay so heavily on me. Perfect humility would be a full willingness, in all times and places, to find and do the will of God.”
The Best of Bill:
Humility, pp. 49-49
It was a fad for a time for all good Christian kids to wear a bracelet with the letters, “WWJD”…publicly, but in a somewhat arcane manner, asking, “What would Jesus do?” I admit that I silently scoffed at the false pride and submission to social pressure of this display that is just subversive enough to appeal to a teenager’s desire to belong to a cause or a group. However, it does beg the question, “How willing and ready am I to open my mind to the direction of the Heart of Compassion?” Does that willingness give the panhandler a buck or is that willingness better shown via a sandwich bought at a nearby deli and then slipping it to the mendicant without fanfare. I know… I know… I want to tell the cute deli cashier about what I’m going to do with the sandwich… I know… I know, I want to run to my sponsor or someone in the Fellowship and tell someone… anyone, about my gratuitous act. But the willingness to keep it to myself and to let go of pride works better for me. A new strength in knowing my own convictions arises from my heart and I give with a peace of mind beyond all that malarkey.
geo 5,172

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