Monday, November 18, 2013

Snapped a Picture

I didn’t take a picture of the sunrise today. I watched the sunrise. I couldn’t take a picture of the coffee’s aroma I enjoyed brewing.

I took a picture years ago, like so many before and after, stored it in a box and hoped to put it in an album for memory’s sake. I went through one of those boxes… so many wondrous moments… dear people… precious sunrises… snapped a picture… walked away… put it in a box.

The only pics that bring back those instances, and loved ones, are the times I paused and appreciated... at the click… the strobe flash... the nano-second of time passed... sealed them in the heart to love and hold... the smile... the grace of a glance... the dancer's leap... the crimson glow of light flickering off the leaves at sunset... ahhh.
geo 5,530

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