Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mental Vigilance

And those who have no mental vigilance,
Though they may hear the teachings, ponder them in meditation,
With minds like water seeping from a leaking jug,
Their learning will never settle in their memories.

Sāntideva; Bodhicaryāvatāra 5.25


Ninety-nine-point-nine-percent of the time I am not thinking about “the teachings” and I don’t care one whit about them. Then something happens… someone or something pisses me off …  some minor annoyance perhaps; like the line too long at the bank at noon and only two teller windows occupied with several bank people behind the tellers flipping through files at what looks like a ruse of being busy. This is one of the times when meditation kicks in and I pause… one… two… three and so on. Take a deep breath… maybe strike up a conversation with someone else in line. It is wise not to start with a complaint… “Why aren’t there more tellers at noon? Don’t they know…?” Naw, because a negative approach only encourages a downward spiral… a bitching session and the line seems to move even slower. But, even if I start out negative it can be turned around. It is better, however, to start off with something positive… a beautiful day… a nice dress… where did you get those shoes? etc. If that goes well the time in line passes quickly and it can become a bodhisattva moment.
            Ah, but what do I know of mental vigilance. I don’t think about this stuff ninety-nine percent of the time.

geo 5,594

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