Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Space & Time

I have had more than one event in which I lost consciousness… there was no time… there was no recollection… I came-to as though I’d never left even though, in one case, I’d been unconscious for over a day. In another incident I had a spill on my bike that cracked my skull from ear to ear. I got up several hours later and tried to ride home as though nothing happened. I often wonder where I went during those lapses in time. Sogyal Rinpoche’s reflection, in today’s Glimpse After Glimpse, addresses this by saying that I didn’t have any idea or sense of who I really am during these bardos. I awoke with no memory of it and cast about for an identity that matches my beliefs. I was asked by the doctors my name and so on. This seems perfectly normal for the purpose of medical diagnosis but I wonder what that experience would have been if a lama was there instead of a doctor when my eyes opened. I believe that the answer is in that void. Surely I was there. So it is with the period of time… the space before I was born and after I die in the eternity (of Kurt Vonnegut's chronoclastic infantibula) in which I live today. It could be that this is why the word, infant, is so closely tied to the word, infinity.

geo 5,593

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