Friday, April 19, 2013

The Shining Light

Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

The state of your soul is always expressed in your outer conditions and in intangible influence that you radiate at large. There is a cosmic law that nothing can permanently deny its own nature. Emerson said: “What you are shouts so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” The soul that is built upon prayer cannot be hidden, it shines out brightly through the life that it lives. It speaks for itself, but in utter silence, and does its best work unconsciously. Its mere presence heals and blesses all around it.
Around the Year with
Emmet Fox, p. 129
Meditation exposes the influence of what I call my inner demons. I do so because it benefits me to see that my desires, every thought of hatred, fear and judgment, are expressions of personalities that influence my outer behavior. They have been most comfortable living within until my spirit was almost devoured by them. If I stayed with those character traits, and went no further, I would be powerless to do anything about them. Like a dieter that goes on a crash diet, the pounds lost return and double shortly after succumbing to the power of seduction of that bagel with cream-cheese. To go beyond neurosis is to sit and realize the power of good, the Heart of Compassion, or God, that lives in the depths of the soul of even the most depraved among us. As my prayers lift my spirit, and meditation begins to feed the good within, it grows until one can’t abide with the other. Neurosis unfed ebbs as the healthy mind evolves and expands until it radiates outwardly into all my affairs.
geo 5,324

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