Monday, July 29, 2013

Clarity of Mind

Monday, July 29, 2013:

Always maintain only a joyful mind.

The point of this slogan is continuously to maintain a joyful satisfaction. That means that every mishap is good, because it is encouragement for you to practice the dharma. Other people’s mishaps are good also: you should share them and bring them into yourself as the continuity of their practice of discipline. So you should include that also. It is very nice to feel that way also.
Training the Mind:
Evolution of Mind Training,
Chogyam Trungpa

This practice of the dharma is not a Pollyanna outlook where we stick our heads in the sand and smile through adversity. It is about clarity and balance… not being storm-tossed or emotionally confused when the shit hits the fan. When trouble comes I am not necessarily a phone call away from help. Sometimes there isn’t anywhere to turn at all so I am forced to draw from an inner resource. The joy we speak of is a quiet joy… it is more a peace of mind. It is a comfort to feel a sense of wellbeing in spite of the circumstances that arises out of compassion. The compassion arising from the heart requires an open-mindedness that accepts all things as they are. Happiness, pleasures, discomfort, tribulations of every kind are my teachers. It isn’t so easy when someone we love dearly is suffering but how helpful can I be wringing my hands and worrying? If I am to be helpful I must be even minded and clear in my thinking lest I allow my emotions to do more harm than good.

geo 5,419

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