Wednesday, November 9, 2011

AS BILL SEES IT: 175, Aspects of Tolerance

We have no desire to convince anyone that there is only one way by which faith can be acquired. All of us, whatever our race, creed, or color, are the children of a living Creator, with whom we may form a relationship upon simple and understandable terms as soon as we are willing and honest enough to try.

A man led our meditation group last night who said that he is an atheist but that his experience precludes his opinion. He has, after all, been sober for over a decade and practices all Twelve Steps. He has no problem with his own views, why should I? It is hard for a "True Believer" to grasp the idea that one can be perfectly spiritual and moral without an overlord of a God to command us into good behavior but I am comfortable with the notion that I can be so sans the threat of karmic punishment otherwise. If I were to be honest about it, I would have to admit that I am not an atheist because I abhor the certainty of belief that declares there is, or isn't, a God. Therefore, I admire the atheist as much as I do the Muslim cleric… just don't go flying airplanes into sky-scrapers to confirm your devotion… please.

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