Sunday, November 6, 2011

Our Innermost Self

We in the West refer to it as our conscience and some in the East call it their Buddha nature. It doesn’t matter so much what I call it, I know that there has never been, nor will there ever be, a time when I am without it. It seems to be in my DNA and, at times, I felt it was useless. Nonetheless, it was there all the time trying to lead me out of the morass of a fatal self-obsession. All I really had to do was to cease with the nonsense of ignoring it and find, through humility (sometimes brought about through dissipation, degradation and the ego-deflation of humiliation), a way to allow this spirit to connect with the boundless energy of a power greater than myself. A simple inventory, taken humbly and without restraints of any kind, was the powerhouse that connected my spirit with yours when I shared it with you. It seems that I can’t accomplish this from a cave on a mountainside (as I would like at times). I have to be down here where I can reach out to others to complete this amazing and vital flow of spiritual energy.


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