Sunday, February 19, 2012

If Not Here & Now... Where or When?

At funerals and memorial services, where the life of the deceased is celebrated, I usually wonder, whether or not, will I die satisfied with the life I’ve led. In other words, will I die with regrets? I wonder about that and the next the next thought is usually; do I hold any judgments, resentments, plans for things I’d like to experience or accomplish, now? It would be wonderful if I had the privilege to be given the time to reflect on these things because, for so many of us, death arrives violently, suddenly, or even silently in the night, without warning or invitation. In moments such as these I can accept, but not resign, to the fact that it is what I am now that counts and my satisfaction lives in the present. Sometimes I walk away from funerals weeping… not for the passing of the deceased… but I morn for myself because to live outside of the NOW is to be already dead. I might as well fall on the funeral pyre than to continue the nonsense of expectations unmet or desires unfulfilled.
Preferring to live rather than to die I claim the life I am in and that includes making the best of what I have with my hands today.

geo, 4,629

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