Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hearing, Seeing, Feeling...

Keeping my eyes open during meditation, I see. My body doesn't miraculously shut down its other senses and I don't put earplugs in my ears either. I don't hold on to each note when listening to music as I might the feel of a fresh breeze when the thermometer rises into the high nineties. I can't numb my senses down during meditation nor ought I. So, why then do I suppose I ought to close my eyes when I look inwards. The whole point of my meditation is to be here... now... for a few minutes a day to sit quietly... to breathe... to feel... to see things as they are: even my thoughts.

I might even need a teacher to help me do this with the least effort but a teacher doesn't necessarily dispense wisdom. Wisdom comes from looking, hearing, feeling... the whole package contained in this bag of skin that is called George. All of my mistakes... all of my wrongs... all of the appreciation in spite of some of the ugliness I see within... without.

geo 4,806

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