Friday, June 1, 2012

The Simplicity of this Revelation

Most of my generation came to age at a time when Eastern philosophies no longer held for us an exotic mystique: i.e., Sun-Tsu’s Art of War is a classic encouraged by many MBA courses (as it was the foundation for the movie, Wall Street,) the martial arts of Japan/China along with Tibetan meditation practices have filtered into the board-rooms of major corporations. As a result, most of this Higher Power business doesn’t carry with it the stigma of the “Old Time Religion” of the past. Even the scientific community is no longer as rigidly atheist as it needed to be for inquiry (what with the cosmology of “dark matter” and sub-atomic physics unraveling articles of scientific faith). Opening the doors of perception into a transcendent reality was approached open-minded and I became willing to run with what I found. It is as simple as that. Even the mystery of that revelation has become common-place among many of us in the Fellowship… we simply had to have our egos crushed to get it. Western submission to a Higher Power is easily translated and incorporated into Eastern practices. What is almost unique to the West is that we have experienced through our excesses, without much spiritual rigor, the grace of God revealed through the Heart of Compassion. The trick is to not confound the simplicity of that revelation.

geo 4,721

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