Thursday, June 21, 2012

To Rise and Enter the Chaos

This whole business of character defects, and humbly working on them, puzzled me once I admitted I had them and that they no longer serve me. In meditation I found a vehicle that works, breathing in, taking total responsibility for them. fearlessly looking at them. Where have I erred? Inhaling... making no excuses… simply acknowledging them… knowing, with all my soul that the Heart of Compassion has already forgiven them. Now, forgive myself… Pause… and as I exhale undo the harm, reconcile, forgive, heal with understanding… it is what the Tibetans call Bodhichitta…the training of the mind.
            Humility opens my heart to union with a Power far greater than myself. It takes all my effort at first to sit with no effort with all that business… everything and nothing. Emotional balance and peace of mind arise as I set my mind… transmitting into the sphere of those near and dear to me… sending healing out to those I imagined to have harmed me… sending compassion to those who are in need. This is the perfection of humility… to rise and enter the chaos… calming the storm upon the waters and pausing when agitated or doubtful… navigating through the day ahead or the day that has passed. This is when meditation transcends navel gazing and I find peace.

geo 4,799

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