Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Chimeras of Virtue

Very often, I have observed, that the “Churchy” people have a harder time with recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction than atheists, agnostics or even hard-core criminals. Of course, I’m not sure of why this happens to be the case, but I suspect that the “Churchy” folks can be deceived into believing they already have a good relationship with God that needs little improvement. From personal experience, I know that if I believe that my only flaw is the dishonesty of my drinking, it is a sure bet that I won’t dig any deeper into myself to root out the causes that obstruct my spiritual growth. I don’t say this to slam my friends who are “Churchy” because I know that I am not excluded from the inclination to delude myself with the same chimeras of virtue. When I took a clear look into myself I saw the ego-centric neurosis that compelled me to do more than just drink myself into oblivion I found more than I ever expected.

geo, 4,559

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