Saturday, March 10, 2012


With my own light...

While I was in the depths of my disease I had a book in my mind that I tried to write and the title of that book would have been “Alone”. The theme of that book would continue to be an exploration of how alone I was but it was not a Boo-Hoo story. I was alone by choice even though I had family, friends and a mysterious sense that a power greater than myself was always there. Running through that story would have been a grand struggle, a rebellion… a rebellion against everything I thought was controlling my life: bourgeois religion and morality, government institutions and political or social manipulations (I was so far to the Left I was always Right) and these ideals left me alone... like my heroes; Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Kerouac and Neal Cassady. In the end I would die naked and alone just as I came into the world.
            I finally wrote that book after I got sober and its them was the same alienation and search for union, but the ending was qualitatively different in that I found the joy of never being alone again. Yes, the pure and simple joy of that awakening turned my life around and  I never have to be alone again.

[1] Geo, 4,638

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