Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Wisdom Stream

The knowledge of suffering, the knowledge of the origin of suffering, the knowledge of the cessation of suffering, and the knowledge of the way of practice leading to the cessation of suffering. This is called Right View. --- DIGHA NIKAYA ii 311-312

Every sentient being on earth knows something of suffering and the desire to cease suffering. This is the Wisdom Stream from which our religions draw their various practices. Some can stand, planted like trees along the sides of this stream, watching others go by, with roots sunk deep in the soil, quietly and calmly drawing strength. But some are swept up against all will and wisdom, to be taken down by flash floods of disaster.  These are the extremes the Wisdom Stream leads some of us into further desolation and despair through alcohol and drugs. In spite of the peril, there are those too who are like warriors, jumping into the chaos midstream willingly, just to see where it will take them... becoming bodhisattvas... rafts well-crafted through discipline and practice.... ferrying us through white-water rapids and across serene stretches between.
This Wisdom Stream is not to be taken lightly by anyone as a casual exploration. Once in this stream, by choice or by force of consequences, we are swept through rapids cascading and flowing like the Ganges towards the black water sea that consumes us all in the end. Old souls become wise through the courage of youth…aaaahhhhhuuuuummmm!

geo, 4641

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